Adora POS: Tailored for Pizzeria Success

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Adora POS: Tailored for Pizzeria Success

Software for Restaurant

One of the main benefits of the annual International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas is getting the chance to meet potential customers face to face and hear the unique challenges and hurdles they need to overcome to stay on the cutting edge of the Pizza Industry. One of the biggest frustrations pizzerias have with their POS providers is unhelpful and unresponsive Customer Support, which is why Adora Customer Support Never Leaves You on Read

Another challenge pizzeria owners are facing is the fact that most POS providers built their products to fit a wide variety of restaurants. Simply put, our competition doesn’t understand the pizza industry at the level that Adora POS does. We built our top-to-bottom solution with you in mind. 

As Customizable as The Pie Itself

Adora POS was built with employees in mind. Our goal was to make an order entry system that requires as few clicks and “custom notes” as possible. There’s a button for every situation in the pizza industry, and if there’s not, creating custom functions is what we do best. Whether it’s splitting pies by halves or quarters, requests for light or heavy toppings, or custom bake levels, we’ve got you covered. Not only can you have unlimited specialty pies, and custom toppings, it’s all linked to our comprehensive Inventory Management system.

Say Goodbye to 86ing Items with Inventory Management You Can Rely On

Imagine this – It’s 7 pm on a Friday, and suddenly the kitchen lets Front of House know that there are no more black olives. We’ve all been in that situation. We’ve all had to have disappointing conversations with our regulars letting them know that we can’t make their favorite pie just how they always order it. When you switch to Adora POS, you’ll never need to have that conversation again. Every item in your kitchen is logged in our inventory management system which alerts you when when you are beginning to run low, and even has automated reordering capabilities. All you need to do is add the item to your system and then sit back and let Adora POS do the rest. Once your inventory is on autopilot, you’ll have more time to focus on how to grow your business, instead of being in the weeds while maintaining what you’ve already built.

Boost Your Sales with Custom Deals from Adora Cloud

One of Adora’s newest capabilities is Adora Cloud, an integrated text and email marketing suite designed to remove “slow days” from your pizzeria vernacular. With a few clicks, you can create custom deals and coupons to be delivered instantaneously to your customers. The sky’s the limit with the variety of deals you can offer. Do you want to make it item-specific? Done. Do you want to increase sales on Tuesdays? Set the expiration time and date on the discount codes to any time you like. You can even get as specific as offering your customers the chance to reorder their favorite items at any particular discount for any particular day you want. In essence, with Adora POS, customization is easy.

We’re Only Scratching the Surface

Are there unique challenges you’re facing as a pizzeria owner or executive? Whether we mentioned it here or not, the odds are we’ve already built a solution for you. If you’re interested in hearing more about what we offer, and how we can help you overcome the singular challenges you face as a pizzeria, all you have to do is schedule a chat with one of our POS specialists. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain with a 20 minute call. Do your business a favor and schedule your free demo today!


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